Posted on
December 19, 2024
by Employer detailsConexus Credit Union
Job details
Were looking for a motivated team-player who is an agile member-service ambassador to come on board as our part-time Financial Service Representative at our Holdfast branch. As the first point of contact for members, you will provide everyday banking services and products to meet members immediate needs. Your time:Providing members with day-to-day banking services such as bill payments, deposits, withdrawals and much more.Proactively identifying and responding to members needs to improve their financial well-being.Learning additional aspects of branch actions from opening accounts and wire transfers, to completing simple credit card applications to help fill in any gaps on a day-to-day basis. Your experience:High School Diploma
The median wage is the salary of a given occupation where half the workers earn more than that amount, and half earn less. This information is presented on job postings to help job seekers determine how the salary compares to the amount earned by other workers working the same job. Job Bank preferred indicating the median wage, which is less affected by extremely high or low wages, rather than the average wage which is calculated by adding up all the salaries of a group of people and then dividing that total by the number of people.