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Jobs Purchasing Agent in British Columbia

Available jobs

We found 39 purchasing agent jobs in British Columbia on Job Bank. The job postings found are for all General office support workers (NOC 12102).


Read the latest news stories about job creation and layoffs related to the occupation ofremittance accounts clerk (NOC 14200).

CANAC, a brand of hardware and construction material stores, will invest $35M in building a location in Laval in February 2025. The company plans on hiring 200 people for the store's opening at the beginning of 2026.

  • Job creation
  • Construction
  • Added on 2024-12-14
  • Laval Region, QC

Lumen, Quebec's largest distributor of electrical and automation equipment, has completed the expansion of its distribution centre in Laval following an $80M investment

Pharmaprix, a Canadian pharmacy chain, opened a location in the CF Carrefour Laval mall after making a multi-million dollar investment. The new location has 35 employees.

Labour Market Information Survey
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