The new early childhood educator benefit package came into effect on October 1, 2024 in which the N.L. Government pays 60% for workers in regulated centres, with workers/employers covering the extra 40%. The program is expected to have a positive impact on recruitment and retention and expand space availability.
- Other type of event
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-10-25
Newfoundland and Labrador
The waitlist for the only licensed Francophone daycare in Newfoundland and Labrador is exploding. In fact, according to management, around 250 names are on the list, which is almost 10 times the total number of spots at the centre. The daycare in St. John’s is managed by the Centre de la petite enfance et famille Les p’tits cerfs-volants.
- Other type of event
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-10-28
Avalon Peninsula Region, NL
- Radio-Canada Atlantique
The N.L. Government has expanded its $10-a-day childcare plan with a new site announcement at the uncompleted YMCA centre in St. John’s (St. Michael’s Avenue). The expansion is part of a 3-year plan to spend over $280M to improve access and extend hours for early learning and childcare services across N.L. starting this fall.
- Other type of event
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-08-10
Avalon Peninsula Region, NL
The N.L. government is hoping it will be able to offer medical benefits in the fall to early childhood educators in the province. The plan is expected to cost $1.8M, with some cost to the child-care centres, but will extend benefits to around 1,600 staff.
- Other type of event
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-05-28
Newfoundland and Labrador
The Government of Canada has announced $13.7M over 4 years, including approximately $9.8M through 2025-2026, through the Early Learning and Child Care Infrastructure Fund, to help N.L. reach the shared goal of building 5,895 new childcare spaces by 2026.
- Other type of event
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-05-15
Newfoundland and Labrador
The N.L. Government has announced further initiatives to improve access to affordable childcare that include implementation of an infant incentive, streamlined closure days, funding structure improvements, and professional development support. 2,206 early learning and childcare spaces are in various stages of development.
- Other type of event
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-04-17
Newfoundland and Labrador